In season all year round, but the best time to enjoy Adam Apple is in Autumn and Winter! He is a lunch box favourite and easy to enjoy while on the go. Did you know that there are over 7000 different varietals of apples? That is way more than the wide variety you would see in store, like Top Red, good ol’ Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, sweet Pink Lady’s, Fuji’s or Braeburns…what’s your favourite?

Why should you eat an Apple a day?

  • Rich in antioxidants which can help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • High in dietary fibre which helps prevent bad cholesterol
  • Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant to boost your immune system
  • B-Complex Vitamins keep red blood cells and the nervous system in good health
  • Calcium, Phosphorus and potassium

There’s nothing better than a crisp, delicious apple as a snack time treat and it’s the easiest thing to pack into your lunch bag.

Here are some other ways to get an apple a day:

  • Slice it up and enjoy it in your salad with some blue cheese and parma ham or smoked chicken. Or enjoy them in your wrap.
  • Grate it and include it in your coleslaw
  • Enjoy it in a muffin
  • Apple Tart…simply irresistible in Winter!
  • Make an apple sauce to pair with your protein at dinner (e.g.: Pork)
  • Slice them and bake them with some cinnamon, raisins and honey as a wholesome sweet treat. (You will be grabbing apple everyday on your way home after you try Apple chips!)
  • Roast them with your root veggies
  • Of course, add them to your fruit salad with yoghurt, muesli and nuts.

Now that you have some ideas and reasons to eat an Apple a day, we challenge you to try it and get innovative with how you include it in your day with simple ingredients you can grab on your way home.

#FSGoodnessGang #GoodnessGangJourney #HealthyLifestyle #AnAppleADay #AppleHealthBenefits