The coolest pea in the pod. Delicious and nutritious, this little powerhouse has been grown since ancient times. It is a staple food around the world that is good for you – and, because they need little water to grow – is good for the planet too!
Nutritional benefits of Pumi Pea:
- They contain carotenoid phytonutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to promote the vision and eye health.
- Great source of Vitamin K, Manganese, Vitamin B1, B6, B2 and C
- Good source of phosphorus
- Great for weight management because they are low calorie, but high in protein, fibre and micronutrients
- Immune system support and high energy due to the antioxidants
- The high fibre content helps with blood sugar regulation. As well as anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories which help prevent insulin resistance
- The niacin in peas help reduce bad cholesterol
Peas & the Environment:
- Peas work with bacteria in the soil to aid in ‘fixing’ nitrogen from the air and depositing it in the soil. This reduces the need for artificial fertilizers.
- After peas have been harvested the remaining plant easily breaks down to create more organic fertilizer for the soil.
- Peas are also able to grow on minimal moisture so they are a perfect crop in many areas not needing irrigation or using up valuable water supplies.
Pumi Pea Recipe Ideas:
Often we need to enjoy frozen peas because they are way more convenient. Just make sure you rinse them before using, along with canned peas, due to the higher sodium content. Other green legumes can include mange-tout, green beans, sugar snap peas,
Green Peas make a great addition to vegetarian meals because they have some protein and iron.Peas have such high-quality protein that even some commercial protein shakes are now pea protein, which also avoids possible side effects of soy or dairy products for some people.
- Green Pea Soup
- Peas with bacon, feta and basil as a side dish
- Add them to your stir-fry, curries or potjies!
- Sautee them with some herbs and add coconut milk or cream for a side dish
- Peas and Mushrooms are a great combo, cook up some peas with your mushrooms for breakfast
- Sugar snap peas and mange-tout beans as a snack with hummus, tzatziki or cottage cheese.
- Pea Puree with chicken or steak
- Add green peas to your mash! (A great way to hide them from the kids 😉 )